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DOM Events


Create a custom DOM event in the browser for the purpose of implementing custom functionality.

dispatch_event immediately dispatches a DOM CustomEvent in the browser. These events bubble up through the DOM and are cancelable.

If jQuery is in use (and available in the global window scope) dispatch_event will also trigger a jQuery event with the same name.

  batch:      String,  # [null]   - add the operation to a named batch
  cancel:     Boolean, # [false]    - cancel the operation (for use on client)
  delay:      Integer, # [0]        - wait for n milliseconds before running
  detail:     Object,  # [null]     - assigned to event.detail
  name:       String,  # required   - the name of the DOM event to dispatch (can be custom)
  select_all: Boolean, # [false]    - operate on list of elements returned from selector
  selector:   String,  # [document] - string containing a CSS selector or XPath expression
  xpath:      Boolean  # [false]    - process the selector as an XPath expression

While the event itself is frequently the payload, you can build very powerful functionality by passing a Hash of metadata to the detail parameter.


The detail parameter will convert user_id to userId - snake_case to camelCase - for JS consumption on the client.

Developers frequently use dispatch_event to notify the client when long-running server processes are completed. You can see an example in Leveraging Stimulus.

Life-cycle Callback Events

  • cable-ready:before-dispatch-event
  • cable-ready:after-dispatch-event

Life-cycle events for dispatch_event are raised on document.



Add a meta tag to your document head. If a meta tag with the same name already exists, update the content to a new value.

  batch:      String,  # [null]   - add the operation to a named batch
  cancel:     Boolean, # [false]  - cancel the operation (for use on client)
  content:    String,  # required - the content attribute of the meta tag
  delay:      Integer, # [0]      - wait for n milliseconds before running
  name:       String   # required - the name attribute of the meta tag

meta tags are under-appreciated as a semantically-appropriate place to place data that can be consumed by multiple components on a page. It's even less common to see scenarios where a meta tag is updated after the page has been rendered. This is a shame, because there's absolutely no good reason not to do so.


Here is a Stimulus controller that watches a meta tag for content changes, which update the attached element. In this example, imagine a notification "pill" component that is not displayed if there is no text value.

import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus'

export default class extends Controller {
  static values = { tag: String }

  initialize () {
    this.metaTag = document.head.querySelector(
    this.element.textContent = this.metaTag.content = new MutationObserver(this.meta)

  connect () {, {
      attributeFilter: ['content']

  disconnect () {

  meta = mutation => {
    this.element.textContent = mutation[0].target.content || ''
  <meta name="pill-messages" content="4" />

<span class="badge text-danger" data-controller="pill" data-pill-tag-value="messages"></span>

This technique allows the developer to update data that concerns the page without a potentially brittle expectation that the server knows the id of every component that needs to be updated.

Life-cycle Callback Events

  • cable-ready:before-set-meta
  • cable-ready:after-set-meta

Life-cycle events for set_meta are raised on document.


Released under the MIT License.