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Browser Manipulations


Removes all key/values pair on the local persistant storage of the user's browser. Defaults to local storage, which is saved across browser sessions. Specify type: 'session' if session storage is desired.

Data stored in either local or session storage is specific to the protocol of the page.

  batch:  String,  # [null]    - add the operation to a named batch
  cancel: Boolean, # [false]   - cancel the operation (for use on client)
  delay:  Integer, # [0]       - wait for n milliseconds before running
  type:   String   # ["local"] - "session" or "local"

Life-cycle Callback Events

  • cable-ready:before-clear-storage
  • cable-ready:after-clear-storage

Life-cycle events for clear_storage are raised on document.



Load a specific page from the session history. You can use it to move forwards and backwards through the history depending on the value of a parameter.

delta is the position in the history to which you want to move, relative to the current page. A negative value moves backwards, a positive value moves forwards. delta: -1 is equivalent to pressing the browsers "Back" button.

If no value is passed or if delta equals 0, it has the same result as calling location.reload().

  batch:  String,  # [null]  - add the operation to a named batch
  cancel: Boolean, # [false] - cancel the operation (for use on client)
  delay:  Integer, # [0]     - wait for n milliseconds before running
  delta:  Integer  #         - optional positive or negative integer

Life-cycle Callback Events

  • cable-ready:before-go
  • cable-ready:after-go

Life-cycle events for go are raised on window. Add a listener for the popstate event in order to determine when the navigation has completed.



Add an entry to the browser's session history stack.

This is similar to setting window.location = "#foo" in that both will also create and activate another history entry associated with the current document. The new URL can be any URL in the same origin as the current URL.

You can associate arbitrary data with your new history entry by passing a Hash to the optional state parameter.

  batch:  String,  # [null]   - add the operation to a named batch
  cancel: Boolean, # [false]  - cancel the operation (for use on client)
  delay:  Integer, # [0]      - wait for n milliseconds before running
  url:    String,  # required - URL String
  title:  String,  # [""]     - optional String
  state:  Object   # [{}]     - optional Hash


Note that push_state never causes a hashchange event to be fired, even if the new URL differs from the old URL only in its hash.

Life-cycle Callback Events

  • cable-ready:before-push-state
  • cable-ready:after-push-state

Life-cycle events for push_state are raised on window. Add a listener for the popstate event in order to determine when the navigation has completed.



Initiate navigation to a new URL. Techniques will be used in the following order:

  1. Turbo.visit
  2. Turbolinks.visit
  3. window.location.href

Turbo.visit will be used if the target location is on the same domain and the Turbo library is available as window.Turbo.

Turbolinks.visit will be used if the target location is on the same domain and the Turbolinks library is available as window.Turbolinks.

There is an action option which can only be advance (default value, which is comparable to push_state) or replace (which is similar to replace_state).

  action: String,  # "advance" - other possible value is "replace"
  batch:  String,  # [null]    - add the operation to a named batch
  cancel: Boolean, # [false]   - cancel the operation (for use on client)
  delay:  Integer, # [0]       - wait for n milliseconds before running
  url:    String   # required  - URL String


Note that, if your redirect is handled by window.location.href, there can be no reliable opportunity to emit or capture an after-redirect-to event.

Life-cycle Callback Events

  • cable-ready:before-redirect-to
  • cable-ready:after-redirect-to

Life-cycle events for redirect_to are raised on window.



This will force a hard refresh of the current page at the moment the operation is executed. It is the programmatic equivalent of hitting the browser's Refresh button.

While there's not much to say about reload - it is a method that has no parameters, after all - it can be useful to request a page refresh. Not only will the DOM be restored to a pristine state, but all Stimulus controllers will have an opportunity to reinitialize. The delay option might be a useful pairing in tricky timing circumstances.

The Turbolinks and Turbo Drive cache will be cleared during the reload.

  batch:  String,  # [null]    - add the operation to a named batch
  cancel: Boolean, # [false]   - cancel the operation (for use on client)
  delay:  Integer  # [0]       - wait for n milliseconds before running


There can be no reliable opportunity to emit or capture an after-reload event unless the operation is flagged cancel.

Life-cycle Callback Events

  • cable-ready:before-reload
  • cable-ready:after-reload

Life-cycle events for reload are raised on window.



Remove a key/value pair on the local persistant storage of the user's browser. Defaults to local storage, which is saved across browser sessions. Specify type: 'session' if session storage is desired.

Data stored in either local or session storage is specific to the protocol of the page. Integer keys are automatically converted to strings.

  batch:  String,  # [null]    - add the operation to a named batch
  cancel: Boolean, # [false]   - cancel the operation (for use on client)
  delay:  Integer, # [0]       - wait for n milliseconds before running
  key:    String,  # required
  type:   String   # ["local"] - "local" or "session"

Life-cycle Callback Events

  • cable-ready:before-remove-storage-item
  • cable-ready:after-remove-storage-item

Life-cycle events for remove_storage_item are raised on document.



Modify the current browser history entry. The browser will not load the page specified by the url and indeed, it doesn't actually have to exist.

You can associate arbitrary data with the history entry by passing a Hash to the optional state parameter.


Most of the time, you probably want to use push_state.

  batch:  String,  # [null]   - add the operation to a named batch
  cancel: Boolean, # [false]  - cancel the operation (for use on client)
  delay:  Integer, # [0]      - wait for n milliseconds before running
  url:    String,  # required - URL String
  title:  String,  # [""]     - optional String
  state:  Object   # [{}]     - optional Hash

Life-cycle Callback Events

  • cable-ready:before-replace-state
  • cable-ready:after-replace-state

Life-cycle events for replace_state are raised on window. Add a listener for the popstate event in order to determine when the navigation has completed.



Scroll the viewport so that the element with the specified anchor (id attribute) is in view.

  batch:    String,  # [null]      - add the operation to a named batch
  behavior: String,  # ["auto"]    - auto or smooth
  block:    String,  # ["start"]   - start, center, end, nearest
  cancel:   Boolean, # [false]     - cancel the operation (for use on client)
  delay:    Integer, # [0]         - wait for n milliseconds before running
  inline:   String,  # ["nearest"] - start, center, end, nearest
  selector: String,  # required    - string containing a CSS selector or XPath expression
  xpath:    Boolean  # [false]     - process the selector as an XPath expression


<div id="i-am-an-anchor"></div>

The default behavior is to instantly jump to the element such that the top of the element is touching the top of the browser viewport.


If you're looking for a more human experience, give behavior: "smooth", block: "center" a try.

Life-cycle Callback Events

  • cable-ready:before-scroll-into-view
  • cable-ready:after-scroll-into-view


Writes a cookie to the document cookie store.

  batch:  String,  # [null]   - add the operation to a named batch
  cancel: Boolean, # [false]  - cancel the operation (for use on client)
  cookie: String,  # required - "example=value; path=/; expires=Sat, 07 Mar 2020 16:19:19 GMT"
  delay:  Integer  # [0]      - wait for n milliseconds before running


Note that you can only set/update a single cookie at a time using this method.

Life-cycle Callback Events

  • cable-ready:before-set-cookie
  • cable-ready:after-set-cookie

Life-cycle events for set_cookie are raised on document.



Set focus on the specified element, if it can be focused. The focused element is the element which will receive keyboard and similar events by default.

  batch:    String,  # [null]   - add the operation to a named batch
  cancel:   Boolean, # [false]  - cancel the operation (for use on client)
  delay:    Integer, # [0]      - wait for n milliseconds before running
  selector: String,  # required - string containing a CSS selector or XPath expression
  xpath:    Boolean  # [false]  - process the selector as an XPath expression

Life-cycle Callback Events

  • cable-ready:before-set-focus
  • cable-ready:after-set-focus



Create or update a key/value pair on the local persistent storage of the user's browser. Defaults to local storage, which is saved across browser sessions. Specify type: 'session' if session storage is desired.

Data stored in either local or session storage is specific to the protocol of the page. Integer keys are automatically converted to strings.

  batch:  String,  # [null]    - add the operation to a named batch
  cancel: Boolean, # [false]   - cancel the operation (for use on client)
  delay:  Integer, # [0]       - wait for n milliseconds before running
  key:    String,  # required
  value:  String,  # required
  type:   String   # ["local"] - "local" or "session"

Life-cycle Callback Events

  • cable-ready:before-set-storage-item
  • cable-ready:after-set-storage-item

Life-cycle events for set_storage_item are raised on document.



Sets the content of the <title> element of the current page.

  batch:  String,  # [null]    - add the operation to a named batch
  cancel: Boolean, # [false]   - cancel the operation (for use on client)
  delay:  Integer, # [0]       - wait for n milliseconds before running
  title:  String,  # required

Life-cycle Callback Events

  • cable-ready:before-set-title
  • cable-ready:after-set-title

Life-cycle events for set_title are raised on document.


Released under the MIT License.